Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Elizabeth L. Chalker, September 25, 2012, Depth of Character ©

Our world has become a place where the shallow swim is much preferred over a life of substance, depth, true service. When did a message of power; provoking of buried emotion, thought, reflection within…and compassion for another, become less than the ultimate desire? To be e

xchanged for skating through effortlessly with no cesspools of accountability, raw self-reflection, or emotional integrity stirred? Seems the general population prefers to skate on the thin ice of topical life rather than see the veracity of depth within. We deem the best movies, books, and lives, those which provide a quick moment of bliss over those which provoke emotion, thought, and most important of all…a call within to change. To change for the better, to change us towards vulnerability with others in all honesty of what’s within. To change towards the stir within we are called to when a powerful testimony is shared; to then serve at the provoking of such emotion, to do something within our own selves to be better, to be more giving and loving…to then share the like with others.

We see the shallow swim as the one to win the award while the powerful messages are glossed over, covered and given labels such as “too intense, taking too long to process, causing pause…” in a world where the immediate supersedes veracity of character and integrity. When something takes time to process, we toss it aside in order to move on with our busy lives. Taking time to pause is somehow deemed a negative. How is anything encompassing of true meaning in such a world?

Even our Savior, Jesus Christ, took time every day to pause, to reflect, to listen.

The question: what are we afraid of? What is worse, living in a reality of no accountability, no responsibility, no depth of character, ethics, integrity, true service and therefore love? Or, processing through the raw truth of every part of who we are and what we have to offer? When we deny such, we deny the unity of the world that is ours for the receiving. We deny the very characteristics of what defines us as human, which makes us relatable to each other and bonds us together in love. When we replace substance and humility with momentary bliss and amplify the fleeting that merely makes us feel good for a moment, we all lose. We lose love, we lose service, we lose connection, we lose healing; we lose blessings that God is waiting to extend. We lose who we truly are, all of who we are, all of what we have to give and are called to receive.

The world then becomes gray while the brilliant colors that are available to each and all, are submerged underneath the thick cloud of what we believe is protection. The authentic life is missed and the depth of blessings is never known or met, extended or received. The unity we trade for avoidance of honest, raw emotion and truth, makes us empty shells at best and arrogant, prideful, uncaring possibilities of what could have been. We therefore, walk around with no true purpose or meaning…as a vapor of what we were created to be and to extend, for the advancement of His kingdom and for His glory…and ultimately, for our best.

His excellence that is within each that He created becomes a distance speck on our hearts that is covered over by thick darkness so we can avoid pain. At least we convince ourselves that not facing all of who we are, in the raw honestly of who we are, spares us from suffering. What futile and vast energy it takes to keep the very things that unite us all, in the dark so we can have a superficial smile and ‘feel good’. Do we really? Honestly?

Does the wood of a fire not sing when the match ignites it? How much more exquisite our song should we yield to our own pruning and vibrant growth to follow.


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Writers and Authors: Interview with Elizabeth L. Chalker

Writers and Authors: Interview with Elizabeth L. Chalker: What motivated you to begin writing? I began writing as a catharsis to everyday life. Also, as an avenue to share raw insights, emotio...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

NEW Review of Elizabeth Chalker's book: 
Hanging on by the Scratch Marks My Nails Left Behind (Raw Faith) 

5.0 out of 5 stars 
"Real life more grippiing than fiction, 9 Sep 2012
By Yvonne Pat Wright (Milton Keynes, United Kingdom)

I read this book with a box of tissues beside me. The tears were not for Elizabeth who has written her story in real time. They were for me, as my sorry superficial life paled in the light of her life that revealed what living for the glory of God really means. How does one suffering from Lyme Disease causing, a slow death, causing non-stop pain and agony get the discipline, the determination and the courage to focus, not on the devastation taking place in her body, but brings that body under subjection and pens a stirring story about the greatest love of her life? 

I have not stopped asking myself that question since I read this amazing book. It's not like any other book you will read. Indeed, Elizabeth is not the first person to go through excruciating pain and suffering. In most cases the stories end. This story does not end. Elizabeth, though she prays, no pleads with her Lord for healing and deliverance, has not been healed, nor been delivered, but her faith still holds on to the Christ of Calvary.

This is a remarkable book by a remarkable writer and deserves to be read by those who suffer as she does from chronic illness, but also by those whose lives are a romp in the park by comparison, if only to gain perspective. It is well written. I believe it should find its way to the ranks of best sellers. It would make an excellent documentary of courage, hope and inspiration."

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Saturday, September 1, 2012